Sunday, August 21, 2011

Corvette: A Word Is Worth A Thousand Pictures

Another artist who really inspires me, is George Trosley.
Not only does he have the talent to create images wriggling with life, he's made the jump from "underground" to "main-stream". 
My 1978 Corvette still has the original pop-out roof panels. It is possible that the rear view mirrors are also original, but I don't remember. virtually every body panel has been mercilessly stretched into absolutely comical proportions. The impregnant Radial T/A rolling stock barely escapes constant roasting from the Zoomie Pipes, the engine pushes its head skyward, distorting the hood panels as it goes. It is almost impossible to drive this car because the visibility is so poor (Despite this, I can honestly say it's gotten no trouble from the Sheriff or Highway Patrol).
Although fiberglass mat is usually used for glass body mods, this entire car was created from notebook paper and ink.

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