Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Derek Bio

This is Derek.
Derek insists that he is CatByt's neighbor, even though he lives sixteen houses away. He never seems to leave, and CatByt has indeed never been to Derek's home, and doubts it exists.
Derek is about useless, but he did put in a good word with Lloyd to get CatByt his job, so there he is. Derek says he's an orphan like Connie, but secretly knows who both she and her mother are. Derek has a severe fish-stick habit, in addition to always having a supply of catnip, obviously stolen from his job with Catbyt. Derek never, ever sleeps, and has an opinion about everything.
Despite being a no-account, he sometimes has experienced advice for Nick Jr.

Connie Bio

This is Connie, wife of CatByt.
She's the "Perfect Cat", and can be expected to act accordingly*. Sweet and lovey-dovey for the most part, but a ball of fur and Razor Blades if you cross her (It is rumored she is personally responsible for four of Lloyd's untimely deaths).

Connie and CatByt are inseparable, and it is impossible to get her to see any fault with Nick.
She will, however, point it out when CatByt's being overboard.

Connie was an orphan, and does not know that Derek is her brother even though the two look identical, save for Derek's "Icky Ear-Hairs".  She knows Derek was also a rescue kitty, and it is for this reason she inexplicably tolerates him, and sticks up for him when warranted (this is hardly ever).
Connie and Sandria are best buddies, and have spent many nights together, trying to get CatByt and Derek out of the City Pound. 
*Almost. Connie will sell her soul for tuna cans.

Nick Bio

This is Nick, CatByt and Connie's son.
Officially named Nick Jr, because that's his usual fate, he gets nicked in some way (Nick's doctor says he has only seven of his lives). Nick neither recalls the loss of, or the experiences in, those two lives, and is thus dumb as a post. He's failed to learn even one thing yet. 
Nick can, and will eat anything. Items larger than himself will disappear if not closely watched. Nick has one side of his chin completely devoid of hair- he ate his first birthday cake, burning candles included.
While he admires his father above all, he is unable to recognize anybody for longer than two solid minutes, and will invariably introduce himself while departing.
Nick looks up to Derek.
Nick really wants to work at the catnip factory, but has yet to arrive for an interview with Lloyd.

Lloyd Bio

This is Lloyd, CatByt's boss and supervisor.
We should note, this is ALL of Lloyd. He's been dead 8 times*, and is now only a head, minus the ears.
He often blames Derek for his condition.
So he sits in one place, doing everything by yelling, and doesn't hear real well. While he treats CatByt terribly (he hired him when he saw Connie), this is seldom an issue because he's frequently kid-napped by neighbor kids, who mistake him for an old softball (Sooner or later he's tossed back due to his lop-sided flight).
In abject fear of strangers, Lloyd has no friends or home, and sleeps under his desk. He subsists on stolen employee lunches.
It is said that Lloyd has the attitude of a snake. This is disputed by several snakes.
He has no plans of EVER hiring Nick Jr.
*possibly less, as there are now 21 separate stories of his demise.

CatByt Bio

CatByt himself. The main (this is arguable) character of this comic strip. Catbyt is pronounced "ow!".
Usually caught on the sidelines of life, waiting for things to merely move on.
CatByt works for Lloyd in a catnip factory, the only job he's ever had. He's the only employee not taking product home, and also the only one who's never gotten a raise. 
CatByt has a positive outlook that can sometimes be forgotten completely, in which cases he dons Steel-Toed Cat-Boots, and becomes his Drill Sergeant father Roy (RIP). Roy claimed emphatically that CatByt had no mother, something CatByt refuses to accept.
CatByt is married to Connie, and father to Nick Jr. CatByt and Connie live sixteen houses away from Derek, who seems to always be around. CatByt despises but tolerates Derek, and adores Connie. He is genuinely terrified of Derek's wife Sandria.

Warm Ups

Just a few lolcats to get the inkpen warmed up...no lies.

I'm not real wordy, but this blog will have a lot to say in cartoons,

because a thread is useless without pictures.

What I do not want, is to fill this with useless photographs...
 But I am OK with useless in general.