Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Dentist Made Me FANGS

Dentures With Fangs built into them.

NOT INTO Vampires, werewolves, or Things that Go Bump In The Night. OK, maybe the last one.
Heading into my 2nd Century with my old teeth just wasn't an option, I'd used them up!
While answering Dr. Cernik's questions at the beginning of this process, I realized I had some potentially fun options.
"Can I get fangs on them?"
He stopped, and it seemed as if his whole view of the job changed right there. He lit up and said we can do this, that, and in the end, we can always file 'em off if they don't work out. -I'd become an art project.
These are dummys. I get the real ones -finally- tomorrow.

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