Friday, July 20, 2012

WORST Helicopter, EVER!

You can spend less money, but you probably won't get a lousier copter than this turd. I'd call it a flying turd, but I've actually seen one, and those fly in a straight line, something the QiFel FreeBird Helicopter just cannot do.
A hapless shaking fit in the air, I am left with the conclusion that it's a hot mess in a box. While some Helicrapters seem to be possessed, this thing is merely addled. Hovering is the only talent it has, and the super tiny battery make sure it does this only sporadically. It's truly one of the worst toys in general, than I've ever witness.
And I buy a lot of junk in hopes of it being fun junk. Not this time. the box it came in was a better toy...for a cat.
It was broken as it came out of the box- the useless and silly tail feather was snapped in half. Superglue residue clued me: it had been boxed this way! What pure junk, it doesn't even have a real swash plate, it just slaps the rotor disk off kilter to affect flight direction.
This copter isn't remotely controlled at all: you just watch it begging to be killed.

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