Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Connie Bio

This is Connie, wife of CatByt.
She's the "Perfect Cat", and can be expected to act accordingly*. Sweet and lovey-dovey for the most part, but a ball of fur and Razor Blades if you cross her (It is rumored she is personally responsible for four of Lloyd's untimely deaths).

Connie and CatByt are inseparable, and it is impossible to get her to see any fault with Nick.
She will, however, point it out when CatByt's being overboard.

Connie was an orphan, and does not know that Derek is her brother even though the two look identical, save for Derek's "Icky Ear-Hairs".  She knows Derek was also a rescue kitty, and it is for this reason she inexplicably tolerates him, and sticks up for him when warranted (this is hardly ever).
Connie and Sandria are best buddies, and have spent many nights together, trying to get CatByt and Derek out of the City Pound. 
*Almost. Connie will sell her soul for tuna cans.

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