Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lloyd Bio

This is Lloyd, CatByt's boss and supervisor.
We should note, this is ALL of Lloyd. He's been dead 8 times*, and is now only a head, minus the ears.
He often blames Derek for his condition.
So he sits in one place, doing everything by yelling, and doesn't hear real well. While he treats CatByt terribly (he hired him when he saw Connie), this is seldom an issue because he's frequently kid-napped by neighbor kids, who mistake him for an old softball (Sooner or later he's tossed back due to his lop-sided flight).
In abject fear of strangers, Lloyd has no friends or home, and sleeps under his desk. He subsists on stolen employee lunches.
It is said that Lloyd has the attitude of a snake. This is disputed by several snakes.
He has no plans of EVER hiring Nick Jr.
*possibly less, as there are now 21 separate stories of his demise.

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