Friday, July 20, 2012

Facebook Ads, Work?

It's all relative. In their quest to provide the most data to their customers (advertisers, WE are the product), the task of keeping it relevant increases exponentially. Keep records is a huge job that NEVER ends.

Humans can have short attention spans, and those on idle time can skew the data.  Just because I looked at a robot vacuum twice this week does not necessarily mean I'll want to see ads for local maid services, or classes on robotics. It may have been pure boredom.
I really had no idea why certain people were targeted to see the ads I'd paid for on FB, and why they ignored them. The same ads performed well on online forums related to their subject matter.
-Do I want ads about my product displayed at what appears to be random?

I think the reason Google's ads work, is that they are more session- rather than user- focused. A visit to Google Search is an exercise in asking for information on a specific subject, at that time, which indicates an immediate interest, with displayed items that the user feels were desired entirely. The ads shown are relevant to a question on their part.
-Do I want ads that make it clear that I'm being monitored for my marketability?

A FB visit is more passive: the user is presented information that may be selected, based on the activity of related users. Part of that experience was in knowing those presentations were organic: from actual people you know. I believe a core value of the user experience has been lost, because that is no longer the case.
I have indeed asked friends if they'd referred me to a posting, only to find out they'd allowed a Bot to post as them when selecting something to do related to FB.
-Do I care if my friends are impersonated by machines?

WORST Helicopter, EVER!

You can spend less money, but you probably won't get a lousier copter than this turd. I'd call it a flying turd, but I've actually seen one, and those fly in a straight line, something the QiFel FreeBird Helicopter just cannot do.
A hapless shaking fit in the air, I am left with the conclusion that it's a hot mess in a box. While some Helicrapters seem to be possessed, this thing is merely addled. Hovering is the only talent it has, and the super tiny battery make sure it does this only sporadically. It's truly one of the worst toys in general, than I've ever witness.
And I buy a lot of junk in hopes of it being fun junk. Not this time. the box it came in was a better toy...for a cat.
It was broken as it came out of the box- the useless and silly tail feather was snapped in half. Superglue residue clued me: it had been boxed this way! What pure junk, it doesn't even have a real swash plate, it just slaps the rotor disk off kilter to affect flight direction.
This copter isn't remotely controlled at all: you just watch it begging to be killed.

FireBird Helicopters from HelizoneRC!

A stunning offering from the East: The Helizone Firebird helicopter came to America, and took the 3 channel world by storm. simply the best 3 channel heli to come along yet, the HelizoneRc Firebird has no equal. It even exceeds the quality of the Syma S107 helicopter that it was based on.
FAR from a CLONE, the HelizoneRC Firebird is a better copter in every way, and its refined flight behavior will immediately confirm this for the new pilot or experienced.
Beautiful in addition, this may be the World's Most Beautiful Helicopter.

3 channel Helicopter Site is UP!

A HUGE 3 channel copter enthusiast site, Killbucket's Helicopter and AirSharp is LOADED with timely and tru information on the latest helicopters you want, and want to avoid, too!
Come by the site, see my vast horde of flying toys, read a few reviews, and see some of the over 12,000 high resolution pictures of great toys guys are looking for at Killbuckets and air-sharp dot com.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fanged Dentures Exist

 Wow, everybody lets me merge now. Funny how doing a double-take causes a (mortal) human to lift off the gas. At first, I looked at the wax models of the teeth and wondered if we shouldn't go a tiny bit longer with my canine teeth. Looking at these photos, I think my eyeteeth are perfect. I can choose to hide or show my vampire fangs at will.
Dr. David G. Cernik, Roseville, CA. Is a Wizard with false teeth. My custom-built Cosmetic Dentures fit like a glove, and the built-in fangs are awesome to live in. Thanks Doc!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Dentist Made Me FANGS

Dentures With Fangs built into them.

NOT INTO Vampires, werewolves, or Things that Go Bump In The Night. OK, maybe the last one.
Heading into my 2nd Century with my old teeth just wasn't an option, I'd used them up!
While answering Dr. Cernik's questions at the beginning of this process, I realized I had some potentially fun options.
"Can I get fangs on them?"
He stopped, and it seemed as if his whole view of the job changed right there. He lit up and said we can do this, that, and in the end, we can always file 'em off if they don't work out. -I'd become an art project.
These are dummys. I get the real ones -finally- tomorrow.